Breaking or Casting Curses, Hexes, or Bad Luck Correspondences

Please note that these are not medical or herbal in purpose. Research each ingredient before attempting to take it internally in any fashion. These are for magical association and purposes only.

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Sources are at the bottom of the page.


Protection against negativity, bad luck, curses, hexes, spells, malicious witches, malicious spirits, the Devil, negative energy, or bad luck in general.

SOURCE # PAGE # Against negativity, evil, bad luck, malevolent spirits, the devil, witchcraft, witches, spells, curses, hexes
2 142 bay laurel
8 24-25 betony
2 146 burdock
2 248 cyclamen
2 245 dill
2 162 garlic [Italian]
7 144-145 juniper
2 113 patchouli
2 114 rue
2 199 snapdragon
2 245, 248 St. John’s wort
2 202 thyme
2 202-203 tobacco
2 245 treoil
2 245 vervain
2 210 yarrow
9 130 wormwood [Russia] [against Rusalka]
9 130 lovage [Russia] [against Rusalka]
10 12 chives [America]
12 2 angelica
12 7 bay
12 28 chives
12 41, 110 dill
12 41 yarrow
12 41, 110 trefoil
12 41, 110 verbena
12 41 rue
12 41 roses
12 57-58 garlic
12 58 mountain ash
12 58 rose
12 97 rosemary
12 99-100 rue
12 110-111 St. John’s wort
12 127-128 yarrow
15 43-44 birch
15 215-217 calabar justice
15 387 sweetgrass (zubrowka)


To break a hex, curse, evil eye, or spell

SOURCE # PAGE # Hex or curse breaking, spell breaking
8 17 angelica
2 236 belladonna
2 248 cyclamen
2 245 dill
2 237 hellebore
2 239 henbane
2 112 myrrh
2 181 nettle
2 114 rue
2 199 snapdragon
2 245, 248 St. John’s wort
2 245 treoil
2 245 vervain
12 115 thyme
12 115 oregano
12 115 rue
15 31 bamboo


For casting or creating a curse or hex

SOURCE # PAGE # Curses, hexes
2 146-147 cactus
2 246 fennel
2 246 parsley
15 46 bird of paradise


To reduce luck or to create bad luck

SOURCE # PAGE # To reduce luck or to bring bad luck
7 144-145 juniper
12 4 basil



  1. The Way of Herbs
  2. Magical Herbalism. Cunningham, Scott. 2005
  3. The Farmer’s Almanac.
  4. Hydrangea. Bowman, Daria Price. Michael Friedman Publishing Group. 2000.
  5. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Accessed. September 04, 2017.
  6. This Crooked Crown’s lore and practice
  7. Cassell Dictionary of Superstitions, Pickering David. Cassell Wellington House. 1995.
  8. The ABC of Magic Charms. Pepper, Elizabeth. The Witches’ Almanac. 2009.
  9. Mermaids, The Myths, Legends, and Lore. Alexander, Skye. F+W Media, Inc. 2012.
  10. Edible Flowers. Morse, Kitty. Ten Speed Press. 1995.
  12. A Brief History of Thyme and Other Herbs. Seymour, Miranda. Grove Press. New York. 2002.
  13. Old Wives’ Lore for Gardeners. Boland, Bridget; Boland, Maureen; Gough, Simon. Michael O’Mara Books Limited. 1999.
  14. Sylvanni folk tales, oral tradition, told by Guido Masé in “Herbal Folklore” webseries by Mountain Rose Herbs
  15. The Big, Bad Book of Botany: The World’s Most Fascinating Flora. Michael Largo. Harper Collins. 2014.