Lunar Water Floral Hair Rinse for Magical Hair Growth

Moon water is often used in spells for hair growth. This hair rinse will help with hair growth.

It may not work for all hair types, so do a test with a bit of hair first to make sure you don’t have any negative reactions. Also, I’m a witch, not a doctor, so nothing’s guaranteed.


  • Waxing or new moon water
  • Rose petals
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary without the stems
  • Hibiscus petals

Gather a half a cup (4 ounces) each of crushed rose petals, lavender, rosemary, and crushed hibiscus petals. Simmer in one cup (8 ounces) of new moon or waxing moon water. Strain and let cool.

Pour over your hair somewhere in your hair care routine, probably after shampooing but before leave in-conditioner, but it depends on your hair care routine.

As you pour the water over your hair, say or think the following,

“Water flows
The moon grows
My hair flows and grows and never slows.”


  • My hair’s long, so I put as much hair as possible, ends first, into a large bowl until dripping wet. Then I slowly pour or scoop the rest of the water over my scalp in small passes. This is also good if you don’t like being shocked, as the water in the bowl will probably be colder than your shower water.
  • Essential oils can be used in place of the herbs. Just add a few drops of the essential oils in a cup of moon water.
  • You can an oil using castor oil, coconut oil, avocado oil instead of water. Create a double boiler with 1 cup of oil and half a cup each of rose petals, hibiscus petals, rosemary without the stems, and lavender buds. Simmer for 15-20 minutes, strain the oil into a glass jar. Let the infused oil sit in waxing moonlight or under a new moon.
  • Infusing distilled water into moon water and adding essential oils will allow you to add it into a spray bottle. This option is nice as you can use the water daily at night before you go to bed or as part of your styling routine.


Good Sleep Spell

This spell’s intention is to help you get a good night’s sleep. It’s not intented to keep you asleep or cure insomnia. It’s more of a “I have a job interview and want a good night’s sleep”.

What you’ll need:

  • Lavender flowers
  • Vervain
  • Mugwort (or wormwood)
  • Calendula
  • Chamomile
  • Cloth bag

Gather the above ingredients and place them in the bag but don’t close it yet. Say the following:

Good sleep, find me

Wrap me in warmth and darkness and dreams

Close the bag up and say the following:

“I wake at my desired hour

Full of good dreams and energy

Full of life and vitality

Good sleep, find me.


  • Do not use anything you’re allergic to. I feel like this should be obvious, but it needs repeating.
  • If you like, you can swap some of the iggredients out for sweet smelling flowers you like or herbs that make you feel sleepy. Think, sleeping in a warm field (but safe from bugs and other pests).
  • This cloth bag does not have to be special. It can be hot glued or stapled together. It can be that one lone sock that the Sock Monster in the Laundry Room ate the pair to. It has to be something that’s soft to go under or near your pillow but also not a jar.


Motivation Stone Spell

The purpose of this spell is to create a gentle push to motivate you. It’s like a like a friend reminding you to do something you promised to do. This is excellent for helping keep New Year’s resolutions, promises, or just regular motivation for tasks that you keep dropping the ball on.

Acquire any of these stones for motivation:

  • Carnelian
  • Garnet
  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Black Onyx
  • Labradorite
  • Natural Citrine
  • Red Jasper

Get one of these stones and ensure that you connect well to the stone. This stone doesn’t have to be a polished stone – it can be a piece of jewelry, beads, or anything else. 

Sit and hold the stone, breathing deeply and evenly while allowing your energy to flow into the stone and the stone’s energy to flow into you. 

If you can’t feel the energy moving, that’s okay. Just keep holding the stone and breathing even, calm breaths. 

While you do this, think about what you want to motivate. Visualize or speak aloud or think clearly in your head what your want to motivate and what that person or object looks once it has been motivated successfully. 

Here’s some examples:

Regular exercise routine – Imagine yourself regularly exercising while looking the way you wish to look. Imagine yourself doing an exercise that you currently consider difficult with ease. Picture yourself months down the road, still exercising and enjoying it.

Doing schoolwork – Imagine yourself enjoying the schoolwork you’re doing, being interested in what you’re learning. Imagine getting the grades you want. Imagine your friends, classmates, and loved ones being impressed by your knowledge. You may eve imagine asking for tutoring or getting rewarded for good grades.

Cleaning the house – Imagine your home as you dream it could be. Maybe you have different furniture or live in a different place. I bet it’s clean though. Focus on the details – the counters are likely clear, the floor shine from being washed, and so forth. Focus on how much you would like that.

Take some time to really detail what you want to motivate in yourself. If your thoughts wander, don’t worry. Just bring your thoughts back to the stone and what you’re trying to motivate in yourself.

When you’ve got the imagine very clear, say the following,

“With the power I grant to you, inspire and motivate me to succeed.

Push me forward to my goals, dreams, and desires.

With the power you grant me, I am motivated to achieve my goals, dreams, and desires.

The power flows through you into me.

I am motivated to do all I need to do.”

Keep the stone with you, near your bed, or in the bathroom where you see it first thing in the morning. Or you can keep it with whatever stuff you bring with you to do what you need motivation for (gym bag, school bag, etc).

Recharge the stone on the full moon by sitting with it in your hands.


Pet Protection Spell

This is an easy protection spell for any animal, but it’s especially useful for your pets.

When you feed them, say the following while instilling energy into the food,

"The food I'm offering will energize you, 
The energy I'm offering will protect you, 
The protection I'm offering will keep you safe and healthy."

Now, give them their food. Repeat at each meal time.


You may wish to adapt the first line if your pet has behavior issues or is hyper.


Best Face Forward Glamour Spell

Sometimes, you just need to present a very specific aspect of yourself (your face) and let the other parts of yourself slip into shadow for a little while. This works well making excellent first impressions, especially during presentations, job interviews, etc. 

This isn’t a confidence spell, although it may seem like one. It’s a bit of a mood boosting or uplifting spell. It could even be used for self-love and to support mental health. It was originally intended, however, to be more of a “you don’t see the things you would think of as flaws” spell. It’s not a deception, because you’re not hiding aspects of yourself. They’re just not paying as much attention to what they consider a flaw or undesireable trait. 

Here’s how you do it:

Pick a moment that’s as close to the start of the event you’re doing the glamour for. You should be ready to go or nearly ready. 

Take a deep breath and even your breathing so you’re taking slow, deep breaths that are comfortable for you. This helps focus and boosts concentration while casting the glamour.

Now, think of a time limit. This should be something like, “For the duration of this meeting, I am…”, Until work today is done”, or “Until sunset, I am…” This time limit is intended to let you control when this glamour ends. This means you end up using your work persona when you’re trying to help your kids with your homework, getting cozy with your significant other, or trying to relax with your pets.

Think of what you want to display. For a job interview, you might have your best “customer face” or display confidence, intelligence, and success. For a presentation, you might want to appear competent and as an expert. You need to have a clear idea on what you want to happen, but try and make it as simple as possible. The more complicated a glamour is, the more likely it is to find cracks in it.

I tend to use verbal phrases to really nail the glamour. For example, if I was going to do a major presentation, I’d use “Until I return home, I am eloquent, competent, successful, and skilled. I am an expert and you see me as someone to learn from and listen to.” I’d repeat what I considered the most important aspects, probably “I am a expert you want to listen to.” I’d repeat it several times, usually seven or more.

Now take a few moments to gather your energy around you. If you’re skilled at energy manipulation, you’ll want to surround yourself and flare out your aura. If that isn’t your jam, then imagine yourself surrounded entirely by the glamour. If neither of these work for you, you can just repeat the glamour description over and over again as a chant in your head or under your breath.

Isn’t this just affirmations? Not really. Yes, it’s intended to shift the mindset. It works that way when you’re casting the glamour on yourself for yourself. But glamours are intended to nudge other people into seeing you how you wish to be seen.

Can this spell fail? Sure. If someone’s got a good resistance to this sort of magic, yes. Animals don’t tend to fall for glamours too easily, so it’s my belief that people with heightened senses will instinctually fight against a glamour. (Similarly, there are some people who are particularly susceptible to glamours.) Of course, spirits, fae, and magical practitioners are all perfectly capable of sensing or seeing through glamours.

Not everyone sees glamours the same way. A trained observer will be able to spot you faster than someone who isn’t if you’re trying to be invisible. Someone that’s always looking at fashion might pick about your glamour subconsciously because they’re use to critiquing clothing. It varies.

Still, glamours are a very handy spell to have in your pocket and can be done at the drop of a hat, especially once you’ve practiced with them.


Confidence Mirror Spell

This spell is to boost confidence. It’s good for events and situations where you need to be a little more confident, such as job interviews, dates, and so on. 

What you’ll need:

  • Mirror
  • Water, divided
  • Sea salt
  • Rosemary
  • Roses
  • Hydrangea
  • Nasturtium
  • Two bowls
  • Dahlia
  • Paper towel or rag 

In one bowl, mix half of the water with sea salt until the salt dissolves. Wash the mirror with the salt water to cleanse the mirror.

In another bowl, steep rosemary, hydrangea, roses, nasturtium, and dahlia petals in the other half of the water. Wash the mirror again with this water to enchant the mirror with confidence boosting. You can say the following chant or similar affirmations.

"I am confident 
I am strong 
I am blooming 
I am powerful 
I am unshakeable 
I am confident."

When you’re ready to activate the spell, flick some water at the mirror and repeat the above chant or similar affirmations.


  • Any “showy” flowers would work for this spell. Pick your favorites.


Magnetic Charisma

A spell to boost your charisma. It’s ideal for people that are making speeches or presentations, but it could also be excellent if you’re going for a job interview or something similar.

What you’ll need:

  • A magnetic piece of jewelry 

Hold the magnetic jewelry in your hand and imagine anyone who looks at it will be drawn to you and your words like a magnet. Once you have that image cemented down, say the following,

"My words are heard 
You follow my lead 
You're drawn to me as if I am the sun 
My charm is endless 
I'm filled with cheer, charm, and grace, 
Do as I suggest and say 
My charisma holds you in sway."

Simply wear the jewelry when you need to be extra charismatic. 


  • Magnetic jewelry can take any form, such as a bracelet, necklace, rings, anklets, earrings, cufflinks, shoelaces, sunglasses, tie clips or tacks, etc. Magnetic ties, shoes, or other pieces of clothing would also be fine.
  • You can alternatively use magnetic therapy sport wraps or anything else magnetic that would be visible to the audience.
  • A simple refrigerator magic would work, but it should be visible to your audience. 


Lightning Protection Sigil

What you’ll need:

  • Mugwort
  • Thunder water
  • Paper

Steep mugwort in thunder water overnight.

The next day, use the steeped water to write a lightning protection sigil on the paper. It’s okay if it isn’t very visible or clear. 

You can make your own sigil or use the one I’ve provided below:

Place the paper at the highest point in your house that you can access. 


  • Thunder water is water collected during a thunderstorm. You may know it by other names such as lightning water or storm water.


Gold Leaf Money Spell

This is one of my most favorite money spells I’ve ever written. It draws from one of my favorite bits of mostly universal folklore – exchanging leaves for money.

It’s a “set it and forget it” style spell meaning so long as the object isn’t damaged, it’ll keep working.

What you’ll need:

  • A leaf that fits nice in your purse or wallet.
  • Gold leaf or gold paint

Paint the leaf with gold leaf or gold paint. You can paint then entire leaf or just gild the edges of the leaf. Let it dry completely.

Take the leaf into your hand and say,

"You are painted with gold 
And are a treasure worth having, 
Now my wallet is never be empty 
It is always filled with coin, bill, and currency 
All thanks to you, my leaf gilded in gold."

Keep it in your wallet where you keep your money.

Replace the leaf when it’s broken down or when the gold leaf or paint has completely flaked off.


  • Leaves  from almond trees, basil plants, mint, cinquefoil, sage, or apple are good choices. But any plant that feels like a “money plant” that has a large-ish leaf will suffice.
  • Gold leaf is ideal, but gold paint is cheaper and easier to apply.


Come to My Side Love Spell

This is a simple knot spell that can be done quickly before heading out for a night on the town or meeting up with a potential lover. It can also be used to attract a lover to you in your daily life, but it’s more for intentional partner seeking kind of behavior.

It’s definitely a kind of “notice me” spell, so it’ll instill a sense of confidence, body positivity, and an alluring glamour.

You can braid the cords together, which will last longer and be more decorative, but that will take longer. Do whatever works best for you.

Ideally, it should be worn on the wrist, but it that doesn’t work for you, you can tie it to your ankle, garter, or even to your underwear. You could easily make the string longer and wear it as a necklace or make it very small and wear it as a ring. It just needs to be touching your body, preferably your skin.

What you’ll need:

  • Two pieces of red string (or ribbon, thread, etc) in equal lengths, long enough to go around your wrist or ankle

Take the two pieces of red string and line them up side by side, so each end lines up perfect. Say,

“This is you and this is me, side by side

I’ve set the stage, so come to my side lover.”

Knot the strings together. Say,

“I am beauty, I am strength, I am glorious,

You know what you see, so come to my side.”

Knot the strings together. Say,

“I am seeking love,

I am seeking you,

Now that you see me, come to my side.”

Knot the strings together around your wrist, forming a bracelet.

Wear this bracelet until a new lover comes into your life. Once you’ve made a positive connection, cut it off and bury the string outside.
