7 Spells to Cast When Protesting

What words can I say that haven’t already been said? Black lives matter. If you’re more outraged about property damage than human lives, then you have your priorities wrong and you’re a shitty person. People do not need to “get over” the egregious murder of another person, especially at the hands of authority figures. Authority figures are suppose to be there to protect and promote peace – so why are they armed as they are? These are simple, basic human rights. It shouldn’t even need to be said – it should be implicitly understood and accepted, not debated.

Right now, I’m spending my time listening. I’m protesting and addressing racism within my family and friends and reminding people to be compassionate. People need to put aside their own uncomfortable or defensive feelings to empathize and listen to what black people are saying. But most of all, I’m supporting and listening the best way I can.

Remember to donate! George Floyd Memorial Fund. Black Visions Collective. Reclaim the Block. Bail funds for protesters.

Here’s some spells that require nothing. They can be cast on the fly, in a moment’s notice. They don’t require a specific words to be said or anything like that. They’re subtle, which is exactly what you need when you’re trying to save yourself and others. I’ve tested them myself, so I hope they work well for everyone else.

Invisibility glamour

This spell is simple. Essentially, you’re reducing your visibility to whoever is looking. They’ll see you, but not notice you. It’s like when you’re looking for your keys and they’re right next to your cup of coffee. It’s probably not going to stop someone from looking for you if you just punched them in the head, but it will keep people from focusing or staring too hard at you.

To cast the glamour, you need to pick the best way to cast it. Either you need to stand very still or move at a consistent, steady pace. So sit in a chair, stand in a corner or along a wall, hide behind a car, etc. Or you can walk at a steady pace matching the people walking around you in a crowd.

Now take a deep breath and think or whisper “You do not see me. No one sees me. I’m not here. Keep moving. You do not see me.” The phrasing doesn’t have to be exact. Say whatever feels right.

As you do this, pull your energy around you, like pulling a blanket closer to you and then over your head. Hold onto that as you move steadily and quietly to attend to you business.

This spell is best used when you need to get out a situation where you’re not being directly confronted, but feel unsafe. It’s also useful when you just want to go for a walk and don’t want people to bother you.

I’ve explained this spell in more detail here.

Protection barrier

This is a magic circle, so if you’re familiar with those, then you’ve already got this down pat. For those of you who aren’t great at magic circles, then it’s time to put those video game skills and TV watching hours to use.

Imagine yourself (and others) in a circle of energy. Fire is a common usage, but so it bright light. I tend to do light, wind, or water because those resonate well with me. You can swath yourself in darkness or whatever works best for you. Lean on your elemental associations and magical strengths here. If you do a lot of herbal work, picture plants or trees in front of you. Test out which methods work best for you.

If you’re not great at this sort of thing, then just pick something from a video game or TV show. Channel someone from The Last Avatar or pick your favorite protection spell from a video game and use it.

When you do your imagining, push your energy out from you to form a circle, bubble, or shield around you and whatever you’re protecting. This is energy manipulation, so brush up on that if it’s not something you’re great at.

This will not stop bullets, but I’ve seen people pause, hesitate, or stagger when crossing a barrier. That might give you enough time to run away. Mostly, it should be used when you’re already marching or in a stationary position, like at a protest.

Throwing Sigils

So this is kind of advanced, but it’s one of the number one ways I use spells in the field.

First you need to know how to make sigils. For this spell, create a sigil that keeps people away. Now simplify that sigil if you need to. It has to be easy to remember.

Now gather your energy into one hand and trace the sigil in the air. You can also trace the sigil with your foot, if that’s better for you. As you do this, speak or think your intent clearly.

With your energy still in your hand, push your sigil forward towards your target.

You can also use traditional symbols for this spell, such as a banishing pentagram. This can be done with any kind of spell or sigil, you just have to be able to remember and write the symbol or sigil clearly.

Energy healing

Healing spells are never meant to replace medical assistance, but it won’t hurt to cast a healing spell while you’re waiting for a medic to look at the injured person.

Place your hand over the injury, if possible. If that isn’t possible, put a hand on their back, belly, or head. You can technically touch them anywhere, but their core and head works best. Remember to ask their consent to be touched!

Push your energy into them gently. Focus on being calm and soothing the injury. Let the energy flow steadily and calmly, like the running of a creek.

If they’re bleeding, focus the energy towards the open wound and staunching that blood flow, like the energy forms an invisible barrier between the skin and the exterior of the body.

You can also temper the energy with cooling agents, if the person feels hot or feverish. Or heat up that energy when someone is cold.

If you’re working to flush out contamination, like pepper spray, focus on cooling energy and make sure you’re providing lots of clear water to wash their eyes and skin without getting contaminated yourself (and make sure you remove contaminated clothing).

Meet Up Spell

Lost your crew and phone is dead? Had to do a runner while protesting and not sure if it’s safe to text the others? This spell can help.

Get yourself to a safe location and send up an energy flare into the sky. To do this, sit for a moment and think of the people you want to meet up with. Use their names, if possible, but if not, think of their faces. Then push your energy up into the sky with a concentrated intention of “I am here” and “come find me”.

You can also enchant chalk or spray paint with the same idea. Push the energy into the chalk or paint rather than up into the sky and use it to mark the location or direction you went in. Use an agreed upon code or location to help yourself even more.

I’m staying here!

To make sure that no one moves you from your spot, take a strong stance and press into all the corners of your feet. Push your energy down, like planting roots.

You can double-down on this spell by also using your favorite grounding technique or mountain meditation, really focusing on becoming hard and difficult to move.

Binding hex

Point at the target then draw an X across their body and point down to the ground. Focus to keep them in one place and unable to do anything.

You can use a sigil instead of an X for this exact purpose, if you’d like.

Practical tips: Know your rights. Remember to wear good shoes, have an exit strategy, and wear a mask (which you should be doing anyway, because coronavirus is still a thing.) Charge your phone and maybe take a moment to look up what lawyers are offering to represent protesters then write that down somewhere that is not your phone (in case it’s lost or broken). Bringing some medical supplies and water is also a great idea. Just… prepare yourself for things to go poorly.

Please stay safe out there! Protect yourself and protect others. Stand for what’s right.


The Full Moon’s Invitation

Full Moon's Invitation by This Crooked Crown


This is a very adaptable spell. It’s used to increase the things you want more of in your life. So if you want love, you’ll add that component. If you want money, you add that. It’s used for what you want. Unlike the full moon or sun variations of this spell, this one can be used to invite things you do not currently possess into your life.

That being said, this can be a tricky spell to pull off in some people’s home environments. You need complete darkness on a new moon night.



  • Items you want to increase in your life
  • Full Moon Water

Collect together items that represents the things you want in your life. You might have a handful of cash, a picture of a college diploma, a love letter written to a dream lover, or anything else. Think creatively and simply. If you want to travel to Aruba, put in a picture of Aruba. Don’t make things hard for yourself.

Once you have together your items, take them and place them on a table next to a window where no light will shine from outside on it. You can also leave it on the windowsill itself. Be smart about this. don’t leave a wad of cash on your windowsill and expect it to not get stolen if you live on the ground floor and leave the window open. Be as discreet as possible with your items but don’t cover them up.

Place a drop of full moon water on each item then leave them overnight. You can leave the items there until the full moon or you can take the items away immediately. You may wish to avoid spending any money used in this spell until after the full moon.

You can repeat this spell as often as you like.



  • If you’re charging water, crystals, or anything else by the new moon’s light, do this in a separate location than this spell.
  • We avoid putting the items in a bag or container so the lack of moonlight can touch them. A good middle ground is a big glass mason jar.

Happy casting!

The Stars’ Invitation

This is a very adaptable spell. It’s used to increase the things you want more of in your life. So if you want love, you’ll add that component. If you want money, you add that. It’s used for what you want. Unlike the full moon or sun variations of this spell, this one can be used to invite things you do not currently possess into your life.

That being said, this can be a tricky spell to pull off in some people’s home environments. You need complete darkness on a new moon night.

Stars' Invitation by This Crooked Crown

What you’ll need:

  • Items you want to increase in your life
  • Full Moon Water
  • A starry night
  • Quartz crystal charged by a new moon.


Charge a quartz crystal on a new moon. Before you go to bed (or before the sun rises) , take the crystal away and wrap it up in a cloth until the next new moon.

On a starry night of the new moon, collect together items that represents the things you want in your life. You might have a handful of cash, a picture of a college diploma, a love letter written to a dream lover, or anything else. Think creatively and simply. If you want to travel to Aruba, put in a picture of Aruba. Don’t make things hard for yourself.

Once you have together your items, take them and place them on a table next to a window where no light will shine from outside on it. You can also leave it on the windowsill itself. Be smart about this. Don’t leave a wad of cash on your windowsill and expect it to not get stolen if you live on the ground floor and leave the window open. Be as discreet as possible with your items but don’t cover them up.

Unwrap your charged quartz crystal and wave it over the items slowly, making circular passes from east to west. Make as many passes as you’d like, using a sacred, magical, or favorite number, if you like. When done, place the crystal in the middle of the collected items.

Place a drop of full moon water on each item then leave them overnight. You can leave the items there until the full moon or you can take the items away immediately. You may wish to avoid spending any money used in this spell until after the full moon.

You can repeat this spell as often as you like.



  • If you’re charging water, crystals, or anything else by the new moon’s light, do this in a separate location than this spell.
  • We avoid putting the items in a bag or container so the lack of moonlight can touch them. A good middle ground is a big glass mason jar.
  • Quartz crystal is selected because it’s a good neutral stone. If you have a moon related stone you’d prefer to use, use that.

Happy casting!

The Sun’s Invitation [Spell Saturday #67]

This is a very adaptable spell. It’s used to increase the things you want more of in your life. So if you want love, you’ll add that component. If you want money, you add that. It’s used for what you want. Unlike the full moon or sun variations of this spell, this one can be used to invite things you do not currently possess into your life.

That being said, this can be a tricky spell to pull off in some people’s home environments. You need complete darkness on a new moon night.


  • Items you want to increase in your life
  • Solar Water [see notes]

Collect together items that represents the things you want in your life. You might have a handful of cash, a picture of a college diploma, a love letter written to a dream lover, or anything else. Think creatively and simply. If you want to travel to Aruba, put in a picture of Aruba. Don’t make things hard for yourself by trying to collect the perfect representations. If you can’t get a visual, write or draw it.

Once you have together your items, take them and place them on a table next to a window where there is sunlight all day long. If your space is secure, put it outside on a balcony or in your yard. Or take it to the park or beach with you. You want as much light as possible to sit on these items.

Be smart about this. Don’t leave a wad of cash on your windowsill and expect it to not get stolen if you live on the ground floor and leave the window open. Be as discreet as possible with your items but don’t cover them up. If something will become faded by the sun and you still want to keep it, take a picture of it and use that instead.

Place a drop of solar water on each item then leave them there all day long. You can leave the items untouched for a full 24 hour period or you can take the items away immediately. You may wish to avoid spending any money used in this spell until after the full moon.

You can repeat this spell as often as you like.


  • Solar water recipe is to gather water on a bright sunny day from a sunny location. A good example would be to collect water from a river on a sunny day. A more reasonable alternative is to pour tap or filtered water into a jar and leave that in the sun for a full day (sunrise to sunset).
  • If you’re charging water, crystals, or anything else by the moon’s light, do this in a separate location than this spell.
  • If something is water sensitive, you can just dab the water on your finger and run it along the least sensitive surface and wipe it off. Or dampen a cloth with the solar water and wash the item that way.
  • We avoid putting the items in a bag or container so the lack of sunlight can touch them. A good middle ground is a big glass mason jar.

Happy casting!

The Curse & Blessing of the Sun [Spell Saturday #49]

The sun is normally considered a Very Positive Thing but… it’s not always? Anyone who has hated mornings, is light sensitive, or has sensitive skin has cursed the sun. (Or, if you’re me, you’re all three and everything is terrible lol).

This is a spell that can be used as both a blessing and a curse. The set up is exactly the same but it’s the intent and words behind what you’re doing that matters. It’s also a spell that can be set up well in advanced and used in an extremely subtle and low-key fashion.

The Curse and Blessing of the Sun Spell

What you’ll need:

  • A sunny, hot day
  • An opaque box with lid or top.
  • Writing utensil (Sharpies and paint works well)

Find a box that is completely solid and opaque. A black is probably best but you can choose any color so long you can’t see what’s inside. It must have a lid or top that isn’t easily knocked off. You should be able to write a sentence on the interior bottom of the box.

Cleanse and clean the container. Let it dry completely.

Think up a phrase that you can slip into conversation that has to do with the sun. A good example might be “may the sun’s blessings be upon you” or something like that. This will entirely depend on your speech patterns. You may want to use a double meaning and associate another word with the sun, such as sunshine. Make sure that you pick several words or a fairly long phrase. You will not be able to use these words or phrase without cursing or blessing who you’re speaking to.

You can set this up in several ways. You can use a specific phrase such as above or you can pick several words and work them into a conversation. Those words must be said in whatever order you’ll write them down in inside the box. Whatever words or phrase you pick will be used only for this curse or blessing so don’t pick things that you’ll accidentally say.

Once you’ve worked out the words or phrase, write them on the interior bottom of the box. Take the box outside where the sun can directly hit the bottom of the box between sunrise to sunset. Be sure to watch the sun during this time. You don’t want a bit of darkness or shadows to touch the words if possible so you might need to move the box around or put the box away before the sun sets, depending on your environment ad situation. The box should sit in the sun for at least three hours.

When you’re ready to bring the box in, quickly put the lid on the box (remember, you don’t want shadows in the box while there’s also sun shining in it). Once the lid is on, tell the box (and the sunlight inside the box) exactly what you want to happen. Maybe you want to curse your targets with sunburns or bless them with warmth. It’s up to you. Make sure to include that trigger phrase or set of words in your instructions.

Keep the box sealed and out of the way. Stick is on a shelf or under your bed. When you want to curse someone, say the words in order or the phrase. This will trigger the spell and curse or bless the target.

Once you use the trigger words or phrase, you have to reset the box spell. This means you’ll have to put the box outside and let it soak up the sun again, repeating the set up for the spell. The good part of this spell is that it will get more powerful the more you reset and use it so it’s actually really handy that way.


  • A small jewelry box or a cardboard gift box is perfect for this spell
  • Do not use the same box for a curse and a blessing. If you want to use this spell to create a blessing and a curse, cast it twice on two different boxes.


You absolutely can use the same box for a blessing and a curse. Clever wording and intention can create totally different results. For example, you might say something like “may the sun’s warmth find you” to bless and curse someone. Emphasizing the word “warmth” might bring comfort as a blessing but the word “find” could bring nightmares or insomnia and “sun” could bring sunburn or even a fever.

You’ll have to play with wordings and intention well before you set up the box. You want the sun to realize that you want both so focusing on the duality of things is probably a good idea – the sun brings warmth but too much can burn, for example.

Happy casting!

Wish Bringer, Bring Me A Wish [Spell Saturday #47]

This is a bit of an arts and crafts sort of spell but extremely low-key.

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • A bit of your hair, fingernail, skin, etc.
  • A coin


First, fold your piece of paper so it’s a pocket or an envelope. You can do this in any style you want – even go wild and make some origami. Here’s a super easy tutorial.  It doesn’t matter what it looks like so long as it creates some edges so nothing slides out. Avoid methods that involve tape or glue.

Write down the wish you want to come true in the center interior of the envelope. Be as descriptive or as vague as you’d like. It’s far easier to make your envelope, unfold it, and write in the interior center your wish. But if you’re good at guessing or you’ve made envelopes before, you can write the message beforehand. You don’t want the message on a folding angle if you can help it.

Fold your envelope up, put in your coin and hair, and bring it to a crossroad or beside a river and bury it shallowly.


  • Use your fingernail or another hard surface to make the edges as tight as possible. It’ll keep the paper more crisp and keep the envelope from falling apart.
  • You can write your wish on a separate piece of paper if you want but it’s easier and less wasteful to just write on the envelope.
  • The reason we don’t use pre-made envelopes, tape, or glue is to keep the spell as environmentally friendly as possible. If you don’t care, then you can use any old envelope.
  • Any coin denominations is fine.
  • This spell doesn’t designate who should answer the spell’s request. It could be any kind of spirit or being. You can add in why you would like to respond to the wish but there’s no guarantee that the wish will be fulfilled or that the requested being will even answer.

Happy casting!

The Dark Moon’s Invitation [Spell Saturday #43]

This is a very adaptable spell. It’s used to increase the things you want more of in your life. So if you want love, you’ll add that component. If you want money, you add that. It’s used for what you want. Unlike the full moon or sun variations of this spell, this one can be used to invite things you do not currently possess into your life.

That being said, this can be a tricky spell to pull off in some people’s home environments. You need complete darkness on a new moon night.




  • Items you want to increase in your life
  • Full Moon Water


Collect together items that represents the things you want in your life. You might have a handful of cash, a picture of a college diploma, a love letter written to a dream lover, or anything else. Think creatively and simply. If you want to travel to Aruba, put in a picture of Aruba. Don’t make things hard for yourself.

Once you have together your items, take them and place them on a table next to a window where no light will shine from outside on it. You can also leave it on the windowsill itself. Be smart about this. don’t leave a wad of cash on your windowsill and expect it to not get stolen if you live on the ground floor and leave the window open. Be as discreet as possible with your items but don’t cover them up.

Place a drop of full moon water on each item then leave them overnight. You can leave the items there until the full moon or you can take the items away immediately. You may wish to avoid spending any money used in this spell until after the full moon.

You can repeat this spell as often as you like.



  • If you’re charging water, crystals, or anything else by the new moon’s light, do this in a separate location than this spell.
  • We avoid putting the items in a bag or container so the lack of moonlight can touch them. A good middle ground is a big glass mason jar.

Happy casting!

Wishing Stone [Spell Saturday #40]

This is a super simple spell that works great any time of the year but is particularly effective during life changes, the new year, or newly gained resolves. Pretty much any time you want to start some new goals, this spell is great. It takes time to set up but it’s worth it.


What you’ll need: 

  • A stone (see notes)

Get your stone and cleanse it. Then place it in under or directly next to your bed. Sleep beside it for a week. During this time you can meditate with it to align your energy and the stone’s together.

When the week has passed, hold the stone to your heart or lips and tell it your goals, dreams, and wishes. Now let the stone sit in the sunlight for a full day and moonlight for a full night and then one more night in or next to your bed.

Carry the stone with you everywhere to help achieve your goals, dreams, and wishes. Do not let anyone else touch this stone.


  • The choice for a stone is up to you. I prefer quartz crystal for this sort of spell but if you have a necklace, bracelet, or other piece of jewelry with a stone, you can use that. the stone can be any size or any type so feel free to  make a personal decision with what stone feel best for you.
  • Be careful with your stone choice and sunlight. Some stones are affected by sunlight. In these cases, indirect sunlight is a better option. If that cannot be done, try simply placing the stone on a white cloth in a sunny room but out of the sunlight entirely.
  • Keeping people from touching the stone may be very difficult. This is easier if you keep the stone in a coat pocket or handbag. If you’re wearing it, picking a stone that is not the centerpiece of the jewelry might be a good idea. If not, consider placing a protection spell against unwanted energy around the stone.

Happy casting!


A Petition Ritual for the New Year (Spell Saturday #39)

Here’s an complex yet simple ritual for New Year’s. It might requires a few different things but can be used to petition the elements and the world to bring your desires to fruition in the new year.




What you’ll need: 

  • A new white candle
  • Clear drinking water
  • A fire or a second lit candle
  • A bit of your hair
  • Seven coins


On a clear night, go outside and create a fire. If you cannot create a fire, you may light a candle from a fireplace, match, or a lighter.

Set up the glass of water, fire source, and white candle in front of you in any manner you’d like. You can create a circle around you or a line in front of you. Whatever you prefer. Dig a hole in the ground and leave it open.

Kneel in the darkness with fire and take a deep breath. Feel free to close your eyes. Clear your mind as much as possible. Focus on letting go of all the negative things of the past and the things you don’t want to take with you moving forward. Take another deep breath and when you’re ready, open your eyes.

Light the candle with your fire source, drink a bit of the water, rub the soil from the hole you’ve dug in your hand, and take another deep breath.

Place the coin inside or under the candle. Put a second coin on the ground, pour a little water over it, and place your water glass over it. Put a third coin in the hole you’ve dug and toss a pinch of soil on it. Toss a fourth coin into the air and let it fall wherever it likes. Repeat the process with a strand of your air. Keep any remaining hair for a later part of the spell.

Now make your petitions for new year. Ask for prosperity, health, happiness, or love. Ask whatever you like. Be as specific or as vague as possible. Be as formal or casual as you’d like. You don’t have to speak aloud, you can just think clearly in your mind. Just say what you need to say and express you hopes for the future. Now demand for your petitions to happen. Tell the world that these things will happen for you.

Once satisfied, toss whatever remaining hair you have with you into the candle. If it goes out, let it. Don’t relight it.



Toss the fifth coin behind you, to pay off any regrets and past debts. Don’t look back at it. Toss the sixth coin in front of you to pay for your future. Pocket the seventh and last coin and carry it for good luck for the year.

Douse your candle and place the remnants in your fire source. If that’s not possible, bury both your fire source and the candle where the fire source was and in a separate hole from the previously dug hole. Pour out the water into the earth and fill in any dug holes. Leave the area without looking at or walking towards the area you threw your past coin in.


Candle Smoke



  • This spell was designed for New Year’s. The chill from the cold January night is part of the spell’s sacrifice. that being said, if it’s too cold, snowing, or raining where you live, wait to do this spell until you can stand going outside. Don’t injure yourself to do this spell. Be safe and healthy.
  • This spell was created with a campfire, fire pit, or fireplace in mind. Since that’s not always feasible for everyone, you can substitute it for other fire sources light the stove, matches, or lighters.
  • You don’t need to collect fresh hair for this spell. Just save a clipping from a recent haircut or pull some from your hairbrush. If you don’t have hair on your head, you can use hair fro other areas of your body like your arm, leg, or pubic area. You can use fingernails too, if the hair option doesn’t work for you.
  • Burning hair smells absolutely terrible. Endure it as best you can.
  • If you manage to keep your good luck coin throughout the year, use that coin in next year’s spell as the “past” coin.
  • Tip: to make your good luck coin stand out in your wallet or pocket, you can coat it thinly in wax or create a paper envelope for it.

Happy casting and happy new year!


Binding Bad Habits (Spell Saturday #27)

We’ve all got bad habits, right? I bite my nails when I’m nervous or idle. It’s one of those things that I hate so much and yet can’t stop myself. This spell is designed to help stop those bad habits.

This can be used on yourself or on someone else. I only caution that you make yourself aware that bad habits often have deeper root causes and binding the bad habit can lead to other negative behaviors. Just a heads up.

The beauty of this spell is that it’s knot magic! I love knot magic and it’s so easily customized to your needs. You can use this spell while making a friendship bracelet, tie a few simple knots in a piece of string, tying your shoes, or even braiding your hair. For the purposes of writing, I’m using a single piece of string but if you’re doing something else then you say each thing while crossing the strands and repeat the entire spell as a chant.


You’ll need:

  • String

Measure out your string accordingly and say the following,

I bind my body

Tie a knot

I do not [bad habit]

Tie a knot

I am not [bad habit]

Tie a knot

I will not [bad habit]

Tie a knot

My will is strong

Tie a knot

I endure and surpass all impulses to [bad habit]

Tie a knot

I am strong enough.

Tie the piece of string around your wrist as a reminder. Touch the string when you catch yourself doing the bad habit or desiring to do so. Repeat the spell when the string becomes damaged or needs replacing.


That’s it! Happy casting!