Oracle’s Shrine

Fates read, advice given, fortunes told.

Professional witch and intuitive reading with over twenty- five years experience.

Readings Available:

Year Ahead Cartomancy Reading

A 12 card reading giving you advice and an outlook into the year ahead month by month. A PDF delivered by email.


The Journey Cartomancy Reading

A 10 card reading giving you advice and an outlook into the future. A PDF delivered by email.



The Seasons Mini Cartomancy Reading

5 card reading covering each season and the current season for the year. PDF email. One question or topic per reading. Or you may ask for a general reading. Include question, topic, or desire for a general reading in the purchase notes.


5 Card Cartomancy Reading

PDF email. One question or topic per reading. Or you may ask for a general reading. Include question, topic, or desire for a general reading in the purchase notes.


3 Card Cartomancy Reading

PDF email. One question or topic per reading. Or you may ask for a general reading. Include question, topic, or desire for a general reading in the purchase notes.


Pendulum Reading

PDF email. Three questions per reading. Include your questions in the purchase notes.


Last updated: January 1st, 2024

Requirements for Purchasing a Reading | Divination Methods I Use | Tarot and Oracle Decks I Own

Requirements for Purchasing a Reading

What I’ll need:
  • Your chosen name. For example, you may prefer to be called Ally rather than Allison, Ash rather than Ashley, or Will rather than William. Code names or alternative names can also be used, such as Rose instead of your real name of Riley or Thyme instead of Timothy.
  • Your pronoun preference, if you’re comfortable with sharing. If not gender-neutral pronouns (they/their/them) will be used for all parties.
  • Your question or topic of the reading. Or, you can ask for a general reading on a specific area of your life or life in general. Need help formulating your question? Just contact me and I’ll be happy to lend a hand.
  • Active email address to send the reading to.
How to purchase:
  1. Select a payment option above and complete the prompted steps.
    • If there’s a window for notes to seller in your payment option, you may include your question there.
  2. Send an email to with your question.

Have questions about purchasing a reading? Contact me:

What kind of reading are you looking for?(required)


Diviner’s Style & Divination Usage

Divination is more than divining the future. It can also give insight to current situations and struggles. It can reveal information you’re not able to see for yourself and offer information. It can guide you to make better decisions for yourself.

Each reader has their own style and method of interpreting the cards. Even tarot card readers will offer give different results for the same cards laid out the same way. As an intuitive reader, I go by what I feel first, then by the known meanings of the cards.

Readings are offered at various times of the year, sometimes determined by the sacred days, planetary alignment, or high levels of energy. Check back often and watch social media for an announcement.


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