13 Easy Spells for Halloween

13 Easy Spells for Halloween

Happy Halloween! Here’s 13 spells to use on Halloween. There are many spells that are suppose to work best on Halloween. There’s wishing spells, love spells, luck spells, divination, and more. Most I’ve pulled from Judika Illes’ The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells and I’ve included the sources when possible.

I’m mostly sharing spells that would be fun to try in a secular context, spur of the moments, or with little prep. Most of them are easy enough beginners, laypersons, or the curious can try with little to no knowledge or tools. A few can even be tried at parties or with children.

Additionally, dumb suppers or dumb dinners are very common on Halloween as a means of ancestor worship. Depending on the tradition, either a table setting is placed for the person you wish to invite at your regular sit-down dinner, or a special meal is planned with the exact intention of inviting a spirit or spirits or ancestors. A more casual approach would be to set a plate, glass, and  utensils off the side at a party so the spirit may help themselves. There’s lots of rituals posted about this rituals, so have a quick google to see if one of these rituals is right for you.

Fallng Leaves Wish

“If you can carch a leaf falling from a tree before it touches the ground, on Hallowe’en, you can have a wish.”

Source: Opie, Iona & Tatem, Moira. A Dictionry of Superstitions. Oxford University Press 1992 edition. Page 230

Note, other versions of this supersition say it can be done any time of the autumn season and that it grants good luck, a good day, or a good year instead of a wish.

Halloween Wishing Spell

“At midnight on Halloween stand naked before a mirror in a room lit only by a single candle. Silently make your secret wish. Don’t speak until morning.”

Source: Illes, Judika. The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells. Harper Collins 2008 edition. Page 763.

Halloween Apple Luck Spell

“After nightfall on October 31st, each member of the household receives and apple. Apples may be distributed by hand or you may bob for them, as desired. Everyone must eat their one for a year of good luck.”

Source: Illes, Judika. The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells. Harper Collins 2008 edition. Page 738

Halloween Candle Luck Spell

“At midnight on October 31st, burn orange and black candles. Allow them to burn out naturally to receive a year of good luck.”

Source: Illes, Judika. The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells. Harper Collins 2008 edition. Page 738

Halloween [Love] Spell

“1. Write your romantic affirmations and aspiration on a piece of paper.

2. Fold it up over either a lump of dragon’s blood resin or some dragon’s blood powder.

3. Toss it into the fire on Halloween night. “

Source: Illes, Judika. The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells. Harper Collins 2008 edition. Page 639

Pricking a Candle on Halloween

“Get a candle, set it up, and light it, and stick pins in it – every pin has to have a ‘ditty’ said (this ‘ditty’ is forgotten, unfortunately, but each pin seems to stand for a separate man known to the charm worker.) The candle burns down first to one pin then to another ehen it gets to the right man the door will open and he will appear.”

Source: Opie, Iona & Tatem, Moira. A Dictionary of Superstitions. Oxford University Press 1992 edition. Page 55

Three Dishes Divination

“Take three dishes, put clean water in one, foul water in another, and leave the third empty: blind-fold a person, and lead him to the hearth were the dishes are ranged; he (or she) dips the left hand: if by chance in the clean water, the future husband or wife will come to the bar of Matrimoney a maid; if in the foul, a widow; if in the empty dish, it foretells, with equal certainty, no marriage at all. It is repeated three times, and every time the arrangement of the dishes is altered.”

Souce: Source: Opie, Iona & Tatem, Moira. A Dictionary of Superstitions. Oxford University Press 1992 edition. Page 120

Wind Divination

“According to Welsh tradition, anyone going to a crossroads on Hallowe’en and listening carefully to the wind may learn what the next year has in store and, when the church clock strikes midnight, will hear a list of the names of those who are to die in the locality over the next twelve months.”

Source: Pickering, David. Cassell Dictionary of Supersitions. Cassell 1995. Page 125-6

Ivy Leaf Divination

“The following Hallowe’en charm was practised recently, to satisfy a morbid desire to know if any member of the family would die during the coming year. An ivy leaf was taken for each one and placed in a bowl of water, to remain all night. The leaves were marked, so that each person knew his or her own, and it was believed that any to die soon would have a coffin marked on the leaf in the morning.”

Source: Opie, Iona & Tatem, Moira. A Dictionary of Superstitions. Oxford University Press 1992 edition. Page 214

Love Oracle (13) Halloween Daphnomancy

“1. Sit before a low but steady fire in the fireplace. Gaze into the flame.

2. Focus on your beloved or on your desires. Formulate your question.

3. Have a small supply of bay leaves at hand. Without taking your eyes off the fire and your mind from your desire, toss a small handful of bay leaves into the fire.

4. Chant:

“Laurel leaves that burn in the fire.

Draw to me my heart’s desire.”

5. Once the flames die down, repeat again for a total of three repetitions.

If the flames shoot up, or leaves crackle and pop, you’ve received very auspicious signs: your wishes will be fulfilled. However, quiet leaves and dim flames counsel patience or perhaps a change of plans.”

Source: Illes, Judika. The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells. Harper Collins 2008 edition. Page 319

Mirror Divination to See Your Future Spouse

“Take a candle, and go alone to a looking-glass; eat an apple before it and some traditions say, you should comb your hair all the time; the face of your conjugal companion, to be, will be seen in the glass, as if peeping over your shoulder.”

Source: Opie, Iona & Tatem, Moira. A Dictionary of Superstitions. Oxford University Press 1992 edition. Page 252

“Stand before a looking-glass, combing your hair with one hand and eating an apple held in the other, when the face of the man you are to marry will be seen in the glass looking over your shoulder.”

Source: Opie, Iona & Tatem, Moira. A Dictionary of Superstitions. Oxford University Press 1992 edition. Page 252

“Superstition suggest that, if a girl stands before a mirror while eating and apple and combing her hair at midnight on Hallowe’en, her future husband’s immage will be reflected in the glass over her left shoulder.”

Source: Pickering, David. Cassell Dictionary of Supersitions. Cassell 1995. Page 126

Note, this is a very common divination mentioned throughout history.

Garlic Protection

“Garlic, hung about the house on All Hallows Eve, will keep away evil spirits.”

Source: Opie, Iona & Tatem, Moira. A Dictionary of Superstitions. Oxford University Press 1992 edition. Page 172

Pacify Ghost Halloween Spell

“At midnight on Halloween bury apples at crossroads to feed hungry ghosts.”

Source: Illes, Judika. The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells. Harper Collins 2008 edition. Page 281

Hope you have a happy Halloween!


Come to My Side Love Spell

This is a simple knot spell that can be done quickly before heading out for a night on the town or meeting up with a potential lover. It can also be used to attract a lover to you in your daily life, but it’s more for intentional partner seeking kind of behavior.

It’s definitely a kind of “notice me” spell, so it’ll instill a sense of confidence, body positivity, and an alluring glamour.

You can braid the cords together, which will last longer and be more decorative, but that will take longer. Do whatever works best for you.

Ideally, it should be worn on the wrist, but it that doesn’t work for you, you can tie it to your ankle, garter, or even to your underwear. You could easily make the string longer and wear it as a necklace or make it very small and wear it as a ring. It just needs to be touching your body, preferably your skin.

What you’ll need:

  • Two pieces of red string (or ribbon, thread, etc) in equal lengths, long enough to go around your wrist or ankle

Take the two pieces of red string and line them up side by side, so each end lines up perfect. Say,

“This is you and this is me, side by side

I’ve set the stage, so come to my side lover.”

Knot the strings together. Say,

“I am beauty, I am strength, I am glorious,

You know what you see, so come to my side.”

Knot the strings together. Say,

“I am seeking love,

I am seeking you,

Now that you see me, come to my side.”

Knot the strings together around your wrist, forming a bracelet.

Wear this bracelet until a new lover comes into your life. Once you’ve made a positive connection, cut it off and bury the string outside.


Sexy Sheets Magic Spray

This is an enchanted water that you spray on your sheets to help set the scene for a sexy night. As scent-based water sprays go, this might be on the lighter side, so don’t be afraid to add more essential oils as needed.

What you’ll need:

  • 5 ounce or greater spray bottle
  • 4 ounces distilled water
  • 6 drops rose essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 4 drops orange (sweet orange, wild orange, bergamot) essential oil
  • 3 drops ginger essential oil 
  • 3 drops sandalwood essential oil
  • sprinkle of pink Himalayan salt

Clean, cleanse, and dry your spray bottle. 

Pour the distilled water in and add the salt, shaking the bottle until the salt is dissolved. While you shake the bottle, set your intentions. Think of cleansing all negative energy, anxiety, and ill feelings from whoever touches this water or smells the scent this water will carry.

Add in your essential oils. Take your time to ensure you’ve measured it out properly. As you measure it out, speak or think sexy thoughts. Of being intimate with your partner and the kind of intimacy you’d like to share. 

Shake the bottle to blend, setting your final intentions of the night being consensual and enjoyable to all parties. 

To use, simply spray the water lightly over your sheets and pillows. Let dry a bit before getting into bed.


Mirror and Candle Love Spell

This is a love spell to draw romantic love to you. Someone who will love your heart and not your physical appearance.

What you’ll need:

  • A mirror you can move around
  • A red, yellow, pink, or white candle

Place the candle in front of you and shift the mirror so that the candle is reflected in the mirror but not you. Turn out the lights and make it as dark as possible without making yourself uncomfortable or creating a trip hazard.

Light the candle and say,

"I seek love. 
Someone who loves me for me
Someone who loves me for what they cannot physically see
Someone who loves me beyond what I look like.
Someone that sees my unseen heart, my unseen mind, and my unseen soul
And loves all of me for that.
I seek a love that comes to me now.
A love who will see me, know me, and love me.
I seek love."

Blow out the candle, making sure that you briefly appear in the mirror while doing this.


  • The candle really can be any color. I selected red and pink because they’re often the colors of romance. I assign yellow as  a “seeking” color – used to find things or seek them out. White was the color I originally had in mind, because this really is a seeking spell and the same method can be used with a different chant, you know?
  • A portable mirror or make up mirror works well for this kind of spell, but a medicine cabinet mirror could easily be used as well. 
  • The intention of the final glance of you as you blow out the candle is a physical connection is made at some point. This can be skipped if you’re not looking for any sort of physical connection.


Flower Self-Love Spell Jar

This jar is intended to sit out in the open on your altar, vanity, on top of a dresser, or in a dry area of your bathroom.

What you’ll need:

  • Clean, dry jar with a lid (lid should be waterproof if in a damp area like a bathroom)
  • Dried chamomile petals
  • Dried cherry blossoms
  • Dried meadowsweet petals
  • Dried rose petals
  • Dried jasmine petals

Clean, cleanse, and fully dry out your jar.

Layer your flower petals in the jar in whatever pattern pleases you. As you fill your jar, speak self-love affirmations to yourself. Or you can write up a personal chant to repeat to yourself daily.

Examples: “I am beautiful. I am loved. I am kind to myself. I am compassionate. I am strong. I am confident. I am a gift. I deserve respect. I deserve loyalty. I am successful. I am allowed to take up space. I am worthy of love. I am happy.”

Seal the jar and put it on a shelf where you’ll see it daily. Whenever you feel like you need a boost, hold the jar and take a moment to soak in the positive, loving energy.


  • If you aren’t storing this in a damp area like a bathroom, you don’t need a waterproof lid. If you are, you’ll need one to avoid molding of your ingredients. Your jar can have a water-tight lid but you can also swap it for an sort of lid so long as you have enough sealing wax to cover it.
  • You can substitute any of the flowers listed the following: yarrow, sunflower, plumeria (frangipangi), orange blossoms, apple blossoms, peach blossoms, lavender, pear blossoms, lovage, plum blossoms, poppy petals, gardenia petals, tulip petals, moonwort
  • Remember gravity: heavier flower petals will fall to the bottom of the jar.


Charmed Meeting Attention Spell

This spell is intended to introduce you to someone or at least meet someone new. It can be used when you want to make a good impression or it can be used just so you meet someone during the day. It’s not a love spell, exactly, more of a “hey, pay attention to me” kind of spell.

The results may lead to a date or future friendship, but it may also mean that you have an uplifting conversation with a co-worker or you meet someone inspiring at the coffee shop. It may mean someone talks to you on the bus or your neighbor says that you look cute today. The results vary and what you get may not be what you’re looking for. Still, it’s useful if you’re feeling a bit lonely or need help breaking out of your shell.

What you’ll need:

  • Full Moon Water
  • Sunshine Water
  • Mirror
  • Scented infused waters (optional) (see notes!)

Pour the sunshine and full moon water together in a bowl. Add the scented liquid, if you’re using one.

With your pointer finger, make an infinity sign (sideways 8), stirring the water. Envision or speak your intentions of meeting someone and making a great impression. Channel your favorite flirting style or picture that movie-perfect chance meeting.

As you do this, smile and look at yourself in the mirror. Touch the water to your lips and say,

My smile charms those who see it
My voice draws them closer to me
My words entice them to my side
Like the sun and moon shine
So will I.

Now dab the water behind your ears, on your eyelids, middle of your forehead, underside of your jaw, and anywhere else you might like someone to look at. An example would be along your collarbone, joints of your wrist, or anywhere else. Repeat the above verse as you go.

The spell works passively, but when you wish to invoke the spell specifically, catch your reflection in something and smile. You might be just smiling to yourself, but the spell should be working double time now.


  • Sunshine water is simple water left to sit in pure sunlight for a while, just like full moon water is water left to soak in full moonlight.
  • Infused scented water can be a difficult thing. Rose water or lavender water are ideal here, but they can be strong. You can make your own, if you prefer.
  • You can also use essential oils (but make sure you’re using a carrier oil too!) Perfume or cologne could also be subbed in, but make sure that you don’t get these things in your mouth.

Heart Weave Love Spell

This spell is to draw a lover to you, someone who will love you and you’ll love them, and carries specific qualities you desire in a partner. It’s definitely an arts-and-crafts sort of spell, but useful if other spells of a similar style haven’t worked for you yet.

What you’ll need:

  • A piece of bendable metal
  • String, ribbon, yarn, etc.
  • Pliers (optional)
  • Sewing needle (optional)
A piece of wire and string is all you need, but a needle and pliers can can!
Bending the wire into an acceptable heart shape is only the beginning. Note the flat ends at the bottom, making it easier to twist the ends and close the heart.
A heart made by twisting the ends of the wire. This might need a little muscle provided by the pliers. You may also need to reform the heart as it might have been bent out of shape while you were working.

Bend and shape the wire into a heart, twisting the wire together say,

"This is our foundation
Our mutual desire for love
And the love that we find in each other."
Tie the string to the bottom where the wire is twisted and bring the wire across the center of the heart, tuck it over the edge and then pull the string through the center, laying it across the top of the side of the heart.

Now, take a strand of string and tie it to where the wire is twisted together. Spread the string over the surface of the heart, crossing it over. Wrap the string over the metal and then push it through the center and cross it to another edge. Repeat.

Here the string has been tucked around the edge of the heart, pulled through the center again, and pulled across the heart to the opposite side. A new piece of string is tied on since the other one was at the end of the line.

When the string runs out, tie a new piece to the end of the string and just keep on going.

With the new string added, tuck the string around the edge of the heart and pull through like before, bringing it back to center.

As you work, list qualities that you would like in your future partner. You can just simply list them or add any kind of spell work you’d like here. This is where you get to customize the spell to your taste and to draw the kind of lover you’re looking for.

Repeat the qualities you’d like in your partner if you run out of ideas.

With the new string added, tuck the string around the edge of the heart and pull through like before, bringing it back to center.
Here the string is brought around the edge to the front, then crosses the heart’s center, weaving in and out of the strings it crosses, finally resting over the edge of the heart.
The string is tucked under the metal, pulled through the center, and crosses to a new part of the heart to begin the same kind of steps again with a new piece of string.

When the heart is full of string, use the last bit to weave the working end into your heart.

Once done, place the heart in a window facing the street. It doesn’t have to be in full view of others, but it should be located in the window. As you place it say,

"Here I place you
Where my message may take flight
And the love I put into you
Will bring a lover to my side."


  • Floral wire is really easy to use and obtain. You might even be able to get some at a local dollar store or similar location. Wire is also available in various colors, so you may be able to purchase something that’s closely aligned to color symbolism for you.
  • Yarn, embroidery thread, or ribbons are great for this. Use color symbolism to get the look you want in the spell or use color symbolism to indicate the emotions or attributes you want.
  • It might be easier to do this spell if you have an active knowledge of weaving, because even though this is basic, it can be hard to get everything taunt and pretty. If you aren’t concerned about this, then don’t worry about it.
  • It’s also useful to use a sewing needling in later stages of the spell, as it can be difficult to push through the string later on.

A Charm Spell to Gain Attention

A simple but effective charm to gain attention. This can be used when you want to be flattered, charm someone at a bar or club, show well at an audition or interview, or stand out in a crowd.

I wouldn’t particularly consider this a kind spell. It gains attention, but it doesn’t necessarily gain good attention. You may gain the attention of someone you’d rather not deal with. You may get yelled at by your parents instead of spend time with them. It gives you attention – it doesn’t say what kind of attention. It’s up to you to use the attention you gain to your advantage.

That being said, it’s good when you want to stand out while at the club, auditions, or interviews.


  • Yellow or red candle
  • Floral fabric
  • Clover
  • Apple or apple blossom
  • Thyme
  • Jasmine
  • Oak leaf or acorn
  • Almond or almond blossom
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg
  • St. John’s wort
  • Eyebright
  • Rosemary
  • Hydrangea
  • Rose
  • Peony
  • Sugar
  • Rose quartz
  • Carnelian
  • Quartz crystal
  • Citrine
  • Bloodstone
  • Goldstone
  • Fire agate
  • Aventurine
  • Garnet
  • Magnet or magnetic sand

Make a charm bag that closes using the fabric. It can be as large or small as you’d like. A good sized charm bag for this specific charm should fit in the palm of your hand.

Carve into the candle “I shine. I glow. I am like fire.” Use a knife, toothpick, or even just write it with a sharpie.

Gather together at least seven ingredients from the list (excluding the candle and fabric) and spread them before the candle.

Light the candle and say the following:

I shine and glow

I rise above others

Others will see and know me

I am like fire

I draw people like moths to a flame

Blow out the candle. Fill the charm bag with your chosen items and carry it with you when you wish to gain attention.


  • Yellow is a good color choice for this charm. Yellow roses, yellow peonies, yellow fabric, antiqued hydrangeas, and so on. Anything that’s yellow or gold works well.
  • Sewing’s the best option for creating the fabric bag, as you can using knot magic in your stitches as a boost. But you can glue, staple, or create the charm bag any way you’d like.
  • You can repeat the spell as often as you like, reusing the candle and stone ingredients again. You’ll need new dried herb though.

The Full Moon’s Invitation

Full Moon's Invitation by This Crooked Crown


This is a very adaptable spell. It’s used to increase the things you want more of in your life. So if you want love, you’ll add that component. If you want money, you add that. It’s used for what you want. Unlike the full moon or sun variations of this spell, this one can be used to invite things you do not currently possess into your life.

That being said, this can be a tricky spell to pull off in some people’s home environments. You need complete darkness on a new moon night.



  • Items you want to increase in your life
  • Full Moon Water

Collect together items that represents the things you want in your life. You might have a handful of cash, a picture of a college diploma, a love letter written to a dream lover, or anything else. Think creatively and simply. If you want to travel to Aruba, put in a picture of Aruba. Don’t make things hard for yourself.

Once you have together your items, take them and place them on a table next to a window where no light will shine from outside on it. You can also leave it on the windowsill itself. Be smart about this. don’t leave a wad of cash on your windowsill and expect it to not get stolen if you live on the ground floor and leave the window open. Be as discreet as possible with your items but don’t cover them up.

Place a drop of full moon water on each item then leave them overnight. You can leave the items there until the full moon or you can take the items away immediately. You may wish to avoid spending any money used in this spell until after the full moon.

You can repeat this spell as often as you like.



  • If you’re charging water, crystals, or anything else by the new moon’s light, do this in a separate location than this spell.
  • We avoid putting the items in a bag or container so the lack of moonlight can touch them. A good middle ground is a big glass mason jar.

Happy casting!

The Stars’ Invitation

This is a very adaptable spell. It’s used to increase the things you want more of in your life. So if you want love, you’ll add that component. If you want money, you add that. It’s used for what you want. Unlike the full moon or sun variations of this spell, this one can be used to invite things you do not currently possess into your life.

That being said, this can be a tricky spell to pull off in some people’s home environments. You need complete darkness on a new moon night.

Stars' Invitation by This Crooked Crown

What you’ll need:

  • Items you want to increase in your life
  • Full Moon Water
  • A starry night
  • Quartz crystal charged by a new moon.


Charge a quartz crystal on a new moon. Before you go to bed (or before the sun rises) , take the crystal away and wrap it up in a cloth until the next new moon.

On a starry night of the new moon, collect together items that represents the things you want in your life. You might have a handful of cash, a picture of a college diploma, a love letter written to a dream lover, or anything else. Think creatively and simply. If you want to travel to Aruba, put in a picture of Aruba. Don’t make things hard for yourself.

Once you have together your items, take them and place them on a table next to a window where no light will shine from outside on it. You can also leave it on the windowsill itself. Be smart about this. Don’t leave a wad of cash on your windowsill and expect it to not get stolen if you live on the ground floor and leave the window open. Be as discreet as possible with your items but don’t cover them up.

Unwrap your charged quartz crystal and wave it over the items slowly, making circular passes from east to west. Make as many passes as you’d like, using a sacred, magical, or favorite number, if you like. When done, place the crystal in the middle of the collected items.

Place a drop of full moon water on each item then leave them overnight. You can leave the items there until the full moon or you can take the items away immediately. You may wish to avoid spending any money used in this spell until after the full moon.

You can repeat this spell as often as you like.



  • If you’re charging water, crystals, or anything else by the new moon’s light, do this in a separate location than this spell.
  • We avoid putting the items in a bag or container so the lack of moonlight can touch them. A good middle ground is a big glass mason jar.
  • Quartz crystal is selected because it’s a good neutral stone. If you have a moon related stone you’d prefer to use, use that.

Happy casting!