Charmed Meeting Attention Spell

This spell is intended to introduce you to someone or at least meet someone new. It can be used when you want to make a good impression or it can be used just so you meet someone during the day. It’s not a love spell, exactly, more of a “hey, pay attention to me” kind of spell.

The results may lead to a date or future friendship, but it may also mean that you have an uplifting conversation with a co-worker or you meet someone inspiring at the coffee shop. It may mean someone talks to you on the bus or your neighbor says that you look cute today. The results vary and what you get may not be what you’re looking for. Still, it’s useful if you’re feeling a bit lonely or need help breaking out of your shell.

What you’ll need:

  • Full Moon Water
  • Sunshine Water
  • Mirror
  • Scented infused waters (optional) (see notes!)

Pour the sunshine and full moon water together in a bowl. Add the scented liquid, if you’re using one.

With your pointer finger, make an infinity sign (sideways 8), stirring the water. Envision or speak your intentions of meeting someone and making a great impression. Channel your favorite flirting style or picture that movie-perfect chance meeting.

As you do this, smile and look at yourself in the mirror. Touch the water to your lips and say,

My smile charms those who see it
My voice draws them closer to me
My words entice them to my side
Like the sun and moon shine
So will I.

Now dab the water behind your ears, on your eyelids, middle of your forehead, underside of your jaw, and anywhere else you might like someone to look at. An example would be along your collarbone, joints of your wrist, or anywhere else. Repeat the above verse as you go.

The spell works passively, but when you wish to invoke the spell specifically, catch your reflection in something and smile. You might be just smiling to yourself, but the spell should be working double time now.


  • Sunshine water is simple water left to sit in pure sunlight for a while, just like full moon water is water left to soak in full moonlight.
  • Infused scented water can be a difficult thing. Rose water or lavender water are ideal here, but they can be strong. You can make your own, if you prefer.
  • You can also use essential oils (but make sure you’re using a carrier oil too!) Perfume or cologne could also be subbed in, but make sure that you don’t get these things in your mouth.

A Charm Spell to Gain Attention

A simple but effective charm to gain attention. This can be used when you want to be flattered, charm someone at a bar or club, show well at an audition or interview, or stand out in a crowd.

I wouldn’t particularly consider this a kind spell. It gains attention, but it doesn’t necessarily gain good attention. You may gain the attention of someone you’d rather not deal with. You may get yelled at by your parents instead of spend time with them. It gives you attention – it doesn’t say what kind of attention. It’s up to you to use the attention you gain to your advantage.

That being said, it’s good when you want to stand out while at the club, auditions, or interviews.


  • Yellow or red candle
  • Floral fabric
  • Clover
  • Apple or apple blossom
  • Thyme
  • Jasmine
  • Oak leaf or acorn
  • Almond or almond blossom
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg
  • St. John’s wort
  • Eyebright
  • Rosemary
  • Hydrangea
  • Rose
  • Peony
  • Sugar
  • Rose quartz
  • Carnelian
  • Quartz crystal
  • Citrine
  • Bloodstone
  • Goldstone
  • Fire agate
  • Aventurine
  • Garnet
  • Magnet or magnetic sand

Make a charm bag that closes using the fabric. It can be as large or small as you’d like. A good sized charm bag for this specific charm should fit in the palm of your hand.

Carve into the candle “I shine. I glow. I am like fire.” Use a knife, toothpick, or even just write it with a sharpie.

Gather together at least seven ingredients from the list (excluding the candle and fabric) and spread them before the candle.

Light the candle and say the following:

I shine and glow

I rise above others

Others will see and know me

I am like fire

I draw people like moths to a flame

Blow out the candle. Fill the charm bag with your chosen items and carry it with you when you wish to gain attention.


  • Yellow is a good color choice for this charm. Yellow roses, yellow peonies, yellow fabric, antiqued hydrangeas, and so on. Anything that’s yellow or gold works well.
  • Sewing’s the best option for creating the fabric bag, as you can using knot magic in your stitches as a boost. But you can glue, staple, or create the charm bag any way you’d like.
  • You can repeat the spell as often as you like, reusing the candle and stone ingredients again. You’ll need new dried herb though.

The Full Moon’s Invitation

Full Moon's Invitation by This Crooked Crown


This is a very adaptable spell. It’s used to increase the things you want more of in your life. So if you want love, you’ll add that component. If you want money, you add that. It’s used for what you want. Unlike the full moon or sun variations of this spell, this one can be used to invite things you do not currently possess into your life.

That being said, this can be a tricky spell to pull off in some people’s home environments. You need complete darkness on a new moon night.



  • Items you want to increase in your life
  • Full Moon Water

Collect together items that represents the things you want in your life. You might have a handful of cash, a picture of a college diploma, a love letter written to a dream lover, or anything else. Think creatively and simply. If you want to travel to Aruba, put in a picture of Aruba. Don’t make things hard for yourself.

Once you have together your items, take them and place them on a table next to a window where no light will shine from outside on it. You can also leave it on the windowsill itself. Be smart about this. don’t leave a wad of cash on your windowsill and expect it to not get stolen if you live on the ground floor and leave the window open. Be as discreet as possible with your items but don’t cover them up.

Place a drop of full moon water on each item then leave them overnight. You can leave the items there until the full moon or you can take the items away immediately. You may wish to avoid spending any money used in this spell until after the full moon.

You can repeat this spell as often as you like.



  • If you’re charging water, crystals, or anything else by the new moon’s light, do this in a separate location than this spell.
  • We avoid putting the items in a bag or container so the lack of moonlight can touch them. A good middle ground is a big glass mason jar.

Happy casting!

The Stars’ Invitation

This is a very adaptable spell. It’s used to increase the things you want more of in your life. So if you want love, you’ll add that component. If you want money, you add that. It’s used for what you want. Unlike the full moon or sun variations of this spell, this one can be used to invite things you do not currently possess into your life.

That being said, this can be a tricky spell to pull off in some people’s home environments. You need complete darkness on a new moon night.

Stars' Invitation by This Crooked Crown

What you’ll need:

  • Items you want to increase in your life
  • Full Moon Water
  • A starry night
  • Quartz crystal charged by a new moon.


Charge a quartz crystal on a new moon. Before you go to bed (or before the sun rises) , take the crystal away and wrap it up in a cloth until the next new moon.

On a starry night of the new moon, collect together items that represents the things you want in your life. You might have a handful of cash, a picture of a college diploma, a love letter written to a dream lover, or anything else. Think creatively and simply. If you want to travel to Aruba, put in a picture of Aruba. Don’t make things hard for yourself.

Once you have together your items, take them and place them on a table next to a window where no light will shine from outside on it. You can also leave it on the windowsill itself. Be smart about this. Don’t leave a wad of cash on your windowsill and expect it to not get stolen if you live on the ground floor and leave the window open. Be as discreet as possible with your items but don’t cover them up.

Unwrap your charged quartz crystal and wave it over the items slowly, making circular passes from east to west. Make as many passes as you’d like, using a sacred, magical, or favorite number, if you like. When done, place the crystal in the middle of the collected items.

Place a drop of full moon water on each item then leave them overnight. You can leave the items there until the full moon or you can take the items away immediately. You may wish to avoid spending any money used in this spell until after the full moon.

You can repeat this spell as often as you like.



  • If you’re charging water, crystals, or anything else by the new moon’s light, do this in a separate location than this spell.
  • We avoid putting the items in a bag or container so the lack of moonlight can touch them. A good middle ground is a big glass mason jar.
  • Quartz crystal is selected because it’s a good neutral stone. If you have a moon related stone you’d prefer to use, use that.

Happy casting!

Pepper Discord Spell [Spell Saturday #71]

Pepper Discord Spell by This Crooked Crown

This hex is designed to cause trouble between two people. Why would you do this? There’s lots of reasons; I’m sure you can think of a few. The spell isn’t designed to hurt anyone. It’s merely there to cause trouble between two or more people.

What you’ll need:

  • A pepper (red preferred, but up to you)
  • Black pepper
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Paprika
  • Salt
  • Lemon juice
  • Twine
  • Knife and spoon
  • Slips of paper and writing utensil
  • Your targets’ names
  • A place to bury the pepper

First, cut your pepper in two and scoop out the seeds. Wash it clean. You don’t want any of the seed left behind. If you’re using more than two names, cut the pepper in quarters.

Write your targets’ names on a slip of paper, one name per a piece of paper. Place the paper on each side of the pepper. Now sprinkle the black pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and salt over the names. As you do this say,


“Your words burn your tongues

Fire banks your friendship

Your relationship turns to dead ash.”


Now place the pieces back together, like a puzzle, so it looks as whole again as possible. Tie the twine around the pepper to keep the pieces together. Take it somewhere and bury it.



  • You can definitely put your own name into this spell. Maybe you want to break up with a lover or friend and don’t know how to do it. This spell should help that along. Remember to be safe though.
  • Peppers aren’t always safe to handle. Remember to wash your hands so you don’t get any capsicum into your eyes or other sensitive body parts.
  • You can toss the pepper into the compost or garbage, if you want, but burying is a better choice for this spell.

The Sun’s Invitation [Spell Saturday #67]

This is a very adaptable spell. It’s used to increase the things you want more of in your life. So if you want love, you’ll add that component. If you want money, you add that. It’s used for what you want. Unlike the full moon or sun variations of this spell, this one can be used to invite things you do not currently possess into your life.

That being said, this can be a tricky spell to pull off in some people’s home environments. You need complete darkness on a new moon night.


  • Items you want to increase in your life
  • Solar Water [see notes]

Collect together items that represents the things you want in your life. You might have a handful of cash, a picture of a college diploma, a love letter written to a dream lover, or anything else. Think creatively and simply. If you want to travel to Aruba, put in a picture of Aruba. Don’t make things hard for yourself by trying to collect the perfect representations. If you can’t get a visual, write or draw it.

Once you have together your items, take them and place them on a table next to a window where there is sunlight all day long. If your space is secure, put it outside on a balcony or in your yard. Or take it to the park or beach with you. You want as much light as possible to sit on these items.

Be smart about this. Don’t leave a wad of cash on your windowsill and expect it to not get stolen if you live on the ground floor and leave the window open. Be as discreet as possible with your items but don’t cover them up. If something will become faded by the sun and you still want to keep it, take a picture of it and use that instead.

Place a drop of solar water on each item then leave them there all day long. You can leave the items untouched for a full 24 hour period or you can take the items away immediately. You may wish to avoid spending any money used in this spell until after the full moon.

You can repeat this spell as often as you like.


  • Solar water recipe is to gather water on a bright sunny day from a sunny location. A good example would be to collect water from a river on a sunny day. A more reasonable alternative is to pour tap or filtered water into a jar and leave that in the sun for a full day (sunrise to sunset).
  • If you’re charging water, crystals, or anything else by the moon’s light, do this in a separate location than this spell.
  • If something is water sensitive, you can just dab the water on your finger and run it along the least sensitive surface and wipe it off. Or dampen a cloth with the solar water and wash the item that way.
  • We avoid putting the items in a bag or container so the lack of sunlight can touch them. A good middle ground is a big glass mason jar.

Happy casting!

Treat Me Better Spell [Spell Saturday #64]

We’ve all had people treat us like shit sometimes. Maybe you have a friend that doesn’t understand that sometimes they go too far with the jokes or they use you as a doormat. Maybe they always go on and on about their problems but aren’t they for you all the time. They’re not bad people and they’re not necessarily a bad friend, they just don’t think of how they’re treating you.

This spell is designed to encourage them to treat you better. This isn’t going to make them see the error of their ways though. It’s not designed as an “eye opener” spell but rather just a spell to make someone treat you nicer.

What you’ll need:

  • Sugar for sweetness
  • Hydrangea petals to ego boosting and sweetness
  • Meadowsweet for happiness
  • Apple blossom for happiness
  • Calendula for happiness
  • Gardenia for friendship
  • Rue to work against jealousy
  • Snapdragons to work against lies and deception
  • Heliotrope for friendly words
  • Clover for luck
  • Bottle or bag to carry with you

Gather all of your herbal ingredients and place them in a bowl in direct sunlight for about an hour. Then take the herbs inside and pour the sugar on top of the herbs. You don’t need to cover the herbs but you should be able to see the sugar throughout.

Place your hand lightly on top of the herbs and say,

“Sweetness you’ll become

When in the presence of this mixture

If there’s someone specific you want to make treat you better, say the following (or something like it). If you’re just trying to make people in general around you treat you better, skip the ahead.

“Treat me as I desire

I encourage you to try

To be better and kind. 

Treat me better,

Treat me kind,

By this spell and power mine.”

No matter which version of the spell you’re doing, place the herbs and sugar in a bag or bottle and carry it with you.


  • Use substitutes for the above herbs as needed. I gave the reasons I selected those herbs so feel free to swap them out as needed.
  • Remember to change up the wording as it suits your needs
  • You can absolutely use a plastic container or ziploc bag for spells. Plastic will not hurt your spells, as far as I’ve experienced. A tic-tac container or similarly shaped bottle works well.

Love’s Nostalgia Tarot Spell [Spell Saturday #61]


Ever have a lover haunt you? The memories of what could have been and what was just won’t leave you alone? Even if you’ve moved on, you can’t forget them. If you’re serious about moving on, consider this spell.

This spell can be used for relationships with friends, lovers, or even family. It can also be used to recover from missed opportunities or goals you’ve had to let go.

What you’ll need:

  • A Six of Cups tarot card that best represents your relationship with this person
  • An item from that time period, one that you’ll part with.
  • A candle (any color)


Find a Six of Cups tarot card that best represents how you feel about the memories of this relationship. Look carefully at the details and how that card makes you feel. You may wish to seek out the best representation among multiple decks, if applicable.

Pick out a candle for the spell. It can be any color you want. You’ll need to have the candle burn out entirely for the spell a tealight is the best way to go for this spell. Do not to reuse the candle after this spell.

Pick an item from the time period of your memories. It could be a gift from the person to you or it could be a picture of the time together. Or something you wore a lot during that time. It must be a disposable item.

Place the item you have near the candle and put the tarot card beside the candle. Light the candle and touch one hand to the target’s item and the other hand to the to the tarot card. Now concentrate and tell the candle the memories you want to let go of.

If the candle blows out from your breath or any other source during the spell, do not relight it. Once the candle burns out, take the wax remnants and item and bury it. This ceremonially and figuratively creates a burial of these memories.


  • This works best if the item is something both of you have touched
  • Remember not to burn yourself when doing this spell. If you get really emotional, push the candle back so you don’t burn yourself.

Study Buddy [Spell Saturday #58]

Want to find a study group or study buddy for your classes? Need to cram for an exam and want someone to help? Just need a pal to commiserate with? This spell’s for you.


Study Buddy Spell by This Crooked Crown


What you’ll need:

  • rosemary
  • water


Bring about a cup of water to a boil. Add about a teaspoon of rosemary and leave for twenty or more minutes. Strain the rosemary from the water, keeping the water.

Dab the rosemary infused water on the cover of your books, backpack, clothing, or skin before heading to class or study hall. You can say something like:


“Study buddy, come to me

We’ll share what we know

To pass our classes/exams successfully”


Each batch should only be kept for up to 48 hours for health and safety reasons (don’t put moldy water on yourself, please) so be ready to make a new batch as needed.

You can also adjust the spell to work on specific people. A good choice for this is to use a candle, your textbooks, or class facebook group as a summoning focus. Sprinkle a drop or two of the water over the candle, book, or screen and cast the spell the same.



  • Be sure that you’re not allergic or sensitive to rosemary before use if you use it on your body. You may also want to check if rosemary clashes with any medications you’re taking.
  • You can add sugar or honey to the infused mixture to “sweeten and draw people to you” but you risk increased insect activity.
  • You can also add coffee to the infused mixture to add speed to the spell.

Friendship Candle Spell [Spell Saturday #56]

Friendship spells are less common than love spells which is a shame because we, as humans, enjoy having love of all kinds, including friendship. This spell’s good if you have an idea of the kind of friend you want but can’t seem to attract someone like that.

Friendship Candle Spell by This Crooked Crown

What you’ll need:

  • Pink or red candle
  • Printed out selfie / photo of yourself
  • Fire-proof bowl
  • Friendship-drawing herbs or oils such as gardenia, sweet pea, or rosemary (optional)

Dress your candle in friendship drawing oils, herbs, and/or energy. A candle shaped like a person is a good choice for the candle but optional. You can use a regular candle for this spell.

Place your candle on top of your printed out selfie and place that inside the fire-proof bowl. This is done for safety reasons.

Light the candle. Spend some time thinking or talking about the kind of friend you’re looking for. Do you want someone who will go with you to the beach? Someone affectionate enough for platonic cuddling? Be as vague or as specific as you’d like.

Once you’ve described the person you’d like to be friends with, say something similar to the following:

“Candle before me

Speak to the heart of the one I seek

Bring to me a friend that is loyal and true

Let their heart speak to mine

And bring them to my side

As a beloved friend.”

If the candle hasn’t already done so, tilt it slightly to the side to let the wax drip on your selfie.

Be sure that you’ll have time to watch the candle burn or at least keep an eye on the candle. You’ll need to burn the candle about halfway down or past the waist of the person-shaped candle. Once the candle’s burned to this level, blow it out and keep it safe until a friend like you’ve desired has appeared. If they do not appear within a reasonable time-span (which is up to your discretion), dispose of the candle in the garbage and try again with a new candle, if desired.


  • Please remember to use fire safety!
  • Remember to adjust the wording to suit your needs!

Happy casting!