Gray World Series

The Gray World series are books set in the same universe and are loosely tied together by featuring members of the Gray family. The books are a mix of magic, spirits, fantasy within our modern world. The stories themselves vary from the paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and romance.

The Valora Series also takes place in this universe and is considered a sub-series within the Gray World.

Please note that the books are published out of chronological order and can be read in any particular order you like. They are listed here in canon chronological order, alongside their publication date.

Drakes Fall

(Expected  2020)

Archer’s use to being somewhat ridiculous. He’s a college student with a terrible case of senioritis, an overbooked DJ, and one of the lucky few hosts on his university’s international radio station. His life isn’t charmed but it isn’t average either. His off hours were filled with partying, drinking way too much coffee, and hanging out with his best friends. It was his ridiculous life and he was happy with it.

But a dragon asking to borrow his cell phone to call for a ride home is ridiculous even for him.

More ridiculously, Emory Cloude did show up to collect the dragon, using words to shrink the huge creature to the size of a house cat. And Emory, taking sincere pity on him, didn’t feed Archer to his dragon but drove him home again.

It should have been just a wild, alcohol-induced hallucination. The cold reality was that Archer was probably drugged and was definitely robbed. Without any of his DJ equipment, he has no way to make any money and his future is looking grim. In order to find his equipment, he needs to piece together what happened that night. And that starts with Emory and a talking dragon named Farreth.

Written for NaNoWriMo 2016.