7 Spells to Cast When Protesting

What words can I say that haven’t already been said? Black lives matter. If you’re more outraged about property damage than human lives, then you have your priorities wrong and you’re a shitty person. People do not need to “get over” the egregious murder of another person, especially at the hands of authority figures. Authority figures are suppose to be there to protect and promote peace – so why are they armed as they are? These are simple, basic human rights. It shouldn’t even need to be said – it should be implicitly understood and accepted, not debated.

Right now, I’m spending my time listening. I’m protesting and addressing racism within my family and friends and reminding people to be compassionate. People need to put aside their own uncomfortable or defensive feelings to empathize and listen to what black people are saying. But most of all, I’m supporting and listening the best way I can.

Remember to donate! George Floyd Memorial Fund. Black Visions Collective. Reclaim the Block. Bail funds for protesters.

Here’s some spells that require nothing. They can be cast on the fly, in a moment’s notice. They don’t require a specific words to be said or anything like that. They’re subtle, which is exactly what you need when you’re trying to save yourself and others. I’ve tested them myself, so I hope they work well for everyone else.

Invisibility glamour

This spell is simple. Essentially, you’re reducing your visibility to whoever is looking. They’ll see you, but not notice you. It’s like when you’re looking for your keys and they’re right next to your cup of coffee. It’s probably not going to stop someone from looking for you if you just punched them in the head, but it will keep people from focusing or staring too hard at you.

To cast the glamour, you need to pick the best way to cast it. Either you need to stand very still or move at a consistent, steady pace. So sit in a chair, stand in a corner or along a wall, hide behind a car, etc. Or you can walk at a steady pace matching the people walking around you in a crowd.

Now take a deep breath and think or whisper “You do not see me. No one sees me. I’m not here. Keep moving. You do not see me.” The phrasing doesn’t have to be exact. Say whatever feels right.

As you do this, pull your energy around you, like pulling a blanket closer to you and then over your head. Hold onto that as you move steadily and quietly to attend to you business.

This spell is best used when you need to get out a situation where you’re not being directly confronted, but feel unsafe. It’s also useful when you just want to go for a walk and don’t want people to bother you.

I’ve explained this spell in more detail here.

Protection barrier

This is a magic circle, so if you’re familiar with those, then you’ve already got this down pat. For those of you who aren’t great at magic circles, then it’s time to put those video game skills and TV watching hours to use.

Imagine yourself (and others) in a circle of energy. Fire is a common usage, but so it bright light. I tend to do light, wind, or water because those resonate well with me. You can swath yourself in darkness or whatever works best for you. Lean on your elemental associations and magical strengths here. If you do a lot of herbal work, picture plants or trees in front of you. Test out which methods work best for you.

If you’re not great at this sort of thing, then just pick something from a video game or TV show. Channel someone from The Last Avatar or pick your favorite protection spell from a video game and use it.

When you do your imagining, push your energy out from you to form a circle, bubble, or shield around you and whatever you’re protecting. This is energy manipulation, so brush up on that if it’s not something you’re great at.

This will not stop bullets, but I’ve seen people pause, hesitate, or stagger when crossing a barrier. That might give you enough time to run away. Mostly, it should be used when you’re already marching or in a stationary position, like at a protest.

Throwing Sigils

So this is kind of advanced, but it’s one of the number one ways I use spells in the field.

First you need to know how to make sigils. For this spell, create a sigil that keeps people away. Now simplify that sigil if you need to. It has to be easy to remember.

Now gather your energy into one hand and trace the sigil in the air. You can also trace the sigil with your foot, if that’s better for you. As you do this, speak or think your intent clearly.

With your energy still in your hand, push your sigil forward towards your target.

You can also use traditional symbols for this spell, such as a banishing pentagram. This can be done with any kind of spell or sigil, you just have to be able to remember and write the symbol or sigil clearly.

Energy healing

Healing spells are never meant to replace medical assistance, but it won’t hurt to cast a healing spell while you’re waiting for a medic to look at the injured person.

Place your hand over the injury, if possible. If that isn’t possible, put a hand on their back, belly, or head. You can technically touch them anywhere, but their core and head works best. Remember to ask their consent to be touched!

Push your energy into them gently. Focus on being calm and soothing the injury. Let the energy flow steadily and calmly, like the running of a creek.

If they’re bleeding, focus the energy towards the open wound and staunching that blood flow, like the energy forms an invisible barrier between the skin and the exterior of the body.

You can also temper the energy with cooling agents, if the person feels hot or feverish. Or heat up that energy when someone is cold.

If you’re working to flush out contamination, like pepper spray, focus on cooling energy and make sure you’re providing lots of clear water to wash their eyes and skin without getting contaminated yourself (and make sure you remove contaminated clothing).

Meet Up Spell

Lost your crew and phone is dead? Had to do a runner while protesting and not sure if it’s safe to text the others? This spell can help.

Get yourself to a safe location and send up an energy flare into the sky. To do this, sit for a moment and think of the people you want to meet up with. Use their names, if possible, but if not, think of their faces. Then push your energy up into the sky with a concentrated intention of “I am here” and “come find me”.

You can also enchant chalk or spray paint with the same idea. Push the energy into the chalk or paint rather than up into the sky and use it to mark the location or direction you went in. Use an agreed upon code or location to help yourself even more.

I’m staying here!

To make sure that no one moves you from your spot, take a strong stance and press into all the corners of your feet. Push your energy down, like planting roots.

You can double-down on this spell by also using your favorite grounding technique or mountain meditation, really focusing on becoming hard and difficult to move.

Binding hex

Point at the target then draw an X across their body and point down to the ground. Focus to keep them in one place and unable to do anything.

You can use a sigil instead of an X for this exact purpose, if you’d like.

Practical tips: Know your rights. Remember to wear good shoes, have an exit strategy, and wear a mask (which you should be doing anyway, because coronavirus is still a thing.) Charge your phone and maybe take a moment to look up what lawyers are offering to represent protesters then write that down somewhere that is not your phone (in case it’s lost or broken). Bringing some medical supplies and water is also a great idea. Just… prepare yourself for things to go poorly.

Please stay safe out there! Protect yourself and protect others. Stand for what’s right.
